Lilac Pinkgill

Entoloma porphyrophaeum

28th October 2019, Beckenham Place Park
Growing in grass in park. Several scattered around. Cap 4-6cm, stem up to 6cm. No smell. There are many similar looking Entoloma species but the particular combination of grass habitat, relatively small spores and lack of unpleasant smell make this tricky to identify. ID is guess. Sporeprint Pink. Spores 6-8µ x 5.5-7.5µ.

13th November 2018, Petts Wood and Hawkwood
Growing through grass. Two. Cap 4-6cm. Stem 9cm. No smell. Brittle flesh. My spore size is rather smaller than the book value - not sure why as the id looks fairly sure. ID is very likely. Sporeprint Pink. Spores 7-8.5µ x 5.5-7.5µ.

14th October 2015, Hayes Common
Growing in longish grass. Two. Cap 7-8cm, stem 9-10cm. Earthy smell. Lilac Pinkgill is a common mushroom but it's not one I've really noticed before, so my confidence in the id is a bit shaky. ID is guess. Sporeprint pinkish brown. Spores 10.5-13µ x 7-8.5µ.
